Last Updated on March 7, 2021 by Bestusefultips
The precious Google gives an eye-opening thing in the form of virtual assistant cum your best adviser Google home is hiking up in the international market. Google home furnish your life easy by its function of speaker, your daily task manager, calling as well as your bombastic music speaker also. So all you need to know is How to play music on Google home via Bluetooth.
You can play sound which is stored on your mobile phone or tablet or computer on Google home using Bluetooth. It consist I-tunes music, Audible, apple music and personal playlists. So enjoy your music listening experience better than ever, for that all you know is best steps for how to play music on Google home via Bluetooth.
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Complete Guide to play music on Google Home via Bluetooth
Apply below given step by step process to listen your favorite songs or music on Google home using your device Bluetooth connection.
Step 1: Pair your mobile device & Google home
Open the Google home app after that in the top right corner of the Google app home screen tap devices and search the device card for the Google home and that you want to pair with your Google home, in the top right corner of it and tap the device card menu settings -> paired Bluetooth device -> enable pairing mode, for the mobile phone go to settings and turn on Bluetooth and add your Google home this is the first step of how to play music on Google home via Bluetooth.
Step 2: Connect Google home and your mobile device
Google home is alternatively connects different devices and connected to multiple devices then it will automatically connected to recent devices. You can connected through mobile devices by in Bluetooth settings in column available devices and by voice you can simply say ok Google and then connect to Bluetooth and for disconnecting say disconnect, the both are be in connect unless you disconnect Google home.
Step-3: Play music
After the perfect connection, just simply gives music commands and enjoy the music as well as advance music commands in your android or iOS devices.
Step-4: Managed paired and connected devices
How to know about which device is paired with Google home, first of all open Google home then find the device card you want to pair with your device app after that tap the top right corner then go to setting and then paired Bluetooth devices you can see your paired device and its pairing date.
For unpairing in the process of how to play music on Google home via Bluetooth open the app of Google home and choose device card of Google home which you want to paired with Bluetooth then you can go to the settings and then paired Bluetooth devices and you can get the list of paired devices, simply tap X next to device which you want to unpair.
So these steps are very helpful to you for understanding how to play music on Google home via Bluetooth.