How to Fix Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Black Screen Of Death Issue

Last Updated on March 7, 2021 by Bestusefultips

Annoying by Samsung Galaxy Note 9 screen goes black or won’t turn on? Here’s how to fix Galaxy Note 9 black screen issue. First of all, try to force restart your phone to hold down the power button for 10-15 seconds and check your Note 9 turn on or not. There are several reasons for your galaxy Note 9 blank screen problem such as faulted charger & cable, wall outlet, remove case and more.

You can check your device charger and cable to fix Samsung galaxy note 9 battery won’t charge problem. Also check port, phone case & cover and any other accessories you use to your device. Follow the below-given step by step process to fix Galaxy Note 9 black screen issue.


How to Fix Black Screen Issue On Galaxy S9 And S9 Plus

How to fix Galaxy Note 9 black screen issue

If your Galaxy Note 9 isn’t starting or won’t turn on after charging or other activity, try below given possible solutions to fix the black screen issue on the Samsung Note 9 device.

Forced Restart

Long press the power button (15-20 seconds) until appearing Samsung logo in your device. Now, your device automatically restarts. After the restart, check the issue.

Check phone battery

Plug your device to charging, if you see a red light, your device battery is low to power off. Charge your device at least 45 minutes. After that press & hold the power button for a few seconds to restart your Note 9.

If none of the above-given methods fix galaxy Note 9 won’t charge issue. You can hard reset your Samsung Galaxy Note 9 device.

Check cable & port

Make sure your device cable is securely connected to the charger and your device. Also check your device’s port and remove dust or lint. Check the wall outlet. Plug the charger into a wall outlet. To check it, plugin other devices or light lamps in your wall outlet.

Use the cable and charger that came with your Galaxy Note 9. To check that the cable & charger are faulted or not, try them with another phone.

Remove cases or cover

If use case or cover in your device, remove it from your device. Also, check your device sensors.

Enable Safe mode on Galaxy Note 9 to fix Galaxy Note 9 Black Screen Of Death Issue

Step 1: Power off your Galaxy device.

Step 2: Press & hold the power button, when the Samsung logo appears on the screen, release the power button.

After releasing the power button, press & hold the volume down button in your Note S9. Continue holding the volume down button until restarting your device.

Step 3: You can see safe mode icon in the bottom left side

You will see all third-party apps disabled from your device. Now check to fix your Samsung Note 9 black screen issue. If you can’t find any problem, it means any third party app causing this problem. Restart your device to exit safe mode. Now remove one by one recently downloaded app and check to fix the issue.

Wipe Cache Partition Galaxy Note 9 using hardware key

Step 1: Power off your Galaxy Note 9.

Step 2: Press and hold the Power button, Volume up, and Bixby key at the same time.

When the Samsung logo appears on your phone screen, release the power key in your device. After a few seconds, the android system recovery menu on your Samsung Note device. Here you can see several different recovery mode settings such as reboot system, apply update from ADB, wipe data/factory reset, wipe cache partition and more.

Step 3: Press the volume down button until move Wipe Cache Partition and press the power button to select it.

Step 4: Press the volume down button until Yes select, then press the power button to start the reset process on your Note 9.

Step 5: Press the volume down button up to move the reboot system now and press the power button to restart your Note 9.

Now wait to restart your Galaxy Note 9 device and you can see reset Note 9 wipe cache in your device.

If you have still faced the issue, the factory reset your Note 9 using recovery mode. Make sure back up & restore your Note 9 data before performing a hard reset.

And that’s all. End the list of possible methods to fix Galaxy Note 9 black screen issue. Do you have any other methods you want to share with us? Tell us in below comment box. Stay and connect with us for the latest Note 9 updates.

About Bestusefultips

I'm Arpit Patel, a techno lover from India. Bestusefultips is a technology website focused on the latest Android news, tricks & tips related to Android devices, tutorials and videos.

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