How to check firmware versions of Google home and mini

Last Updated on March 7, 2021 by Bestusefultips

The most satisfactory human-useful device of all time Google home and mini is your perfect assistant for your routine life, Google home devices makes your up-down and harsh  life simple by its function of speaker, your routine task manager, appointment reminder and schedule creator etc. So all the thing you need to know is all the stuff about Google Home, Google home mini. Now only by speak a word like “OK Google” you will be able to fix reminders, enjoying your experience of music and assist your daily life by Google home devices. Here we can present you a steps for Google home mini’s firmware versions, how to check it. For that purpose you should go through the how to check firmware versions of Google home and mini.

Firmware is a very important for devices, firmware is a very useful for the elementary function of the devices and manages the device and higher level software. The Google home devices having a firmware. You should know about the how to check firmware versions of Google home and mini. Here are the steps for how to know about firmware versions of Google home mini.

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Steps for how to check firmware versions of Google Home and Mini

How to check firmware versions of Google home and mini

Google re-enabled a Google home mini feature, users can now long push the top part of Google home mini to launch the Google assistant. This feature was disabled due to bug. Now it is back as long press instead of a single tap and as compare to then now the Google home mini firmware version 1.28.100429 for this feature to work. So for that problem you have to know about the full information about firmware version. Here is the solution for that.

For checking which firmware versions you are on kindly go through these steps:

  • Make sure that your phone or tablet is connected to same network of Wi-Fi as your Google home device.
  • Now open the Google home app from your android or iOS device then
  • Tap on the devices to see your available Google home devices
  • Now scroll to find the device card for the Google home you had like to search the firmware version for
  • In the top of the right corner of the device card tap on the device card menu
  • Click on the menu
  • Scroll to the bottom and you look for cast firmware version.

Here is the all about your solutions for looking for a firmware version of Google home and Google home mini. We hope that you can fully understand these guidelines for the how to check firmware versions of Google home and mini.

About Bestusefultips

I'm Arpit Patel, a techno lover from India. Bestusefultips is a technology website focused on the latest Android news, tricks & tips related to Android devices, tutorials and videos.

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