Google Play store error 906: How to fix

Last Updated on March 7, 2021 by Bestusefultips

Error 906 in Google play store while update or install apps in your android device. Sometime just restart your device is automatically fix error code 906. You can see this error message “App” could not be downloaded due to an error. (906) If your device not update with latest version or update new version both are causing this error 906. You can easily fix Google Play store error 906 in android device using this article.

If reboot your device not solve error 906 in play store, clear the cache and uninstall updates of play store in your Android phone or tablet. Other Google play store errors related with this are error 963, error 905, error 120, error 406, error 505 and more. Try below given step by step guide to fix Google Play store error 906 in android device.

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How to fix Google Play Store error 906 in android phone or tablet

fix Google Play Store error 906 in android

1st Method: Clear cache of Google Play Store

Step 1: Go to “Settings

Step 2: Under device section, Tap on “Apps

Step 3: Scroll down until see “Google Play Store” and tap on it

Step 4: Tap “Storage

Clear the cache & data of Google Play store to fix error 906

Step 5: Tap “Clear cache

Clear cache of Google Play services in android:

Settings > Device > Apps > Google Play Services > storage > Clear cache

2nd Method: Unmount SD card in android to fix Google Play Store Error 906

Step 1: Go to “Settings”

Step 2: Tap “Storage”

Step 3: Scroll down until see Unmount SD card & tap on it

Now download app from Google play store that seen error 906 while download or install. After download and installation open mount SD card and check it.

Some of the users not fix error 906 using above method. They reports not update apps that is installed in devie SD card. So if you are facing same problem in your device, you should try below settings.

Step 1: Move app to phone storage that cause error

Step 2: Update app using below settings

Play store > Menu > my apps & games > Update now (It will update all installed apps if available)

Step 3: After update app, move app to SD card in android device

3rd Method: Uninstall updates of Google play store

Step 1: Go to “Settings

Step 2: Under device section, tap “Apps

Step 3: Tap “Google play store

Step 4: Touch “Three vertical dots

Uninstall update Google Play store to fix error 906

Step 5: Touch “Uninstall updates

Step 6: Tap “OK

4th Method: Reset app preferences to fix Google Play Store Error 906

Reset app preferences on android to fix error 906

Settings > Device > Apps > More > Reset app preferences > Reset Apps

If none of the above method fixes this play store error, factory reset your android phone. It will delete your phone data and downloaded apps.

I hope this little tip of fix Google Play store error 906 in android help. If you have any other solution to solve error 906, please share with us. To see other latest android content, visit our Facebook page or Twitter feed.

About Bestusefultips

I'm Arpit Patel, a techno lover from India. Bestusefultips is a technology website focused on the latest Android news, tricks & tips related to Android devices, tutorials and videos.

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