How to send photo on Instagram android phone

Last Updated on March 7, 2021 by Bestusefultips

Instagram app is use to share photos or videos with friends and family member. You can directly send photo on Instagram android device. You have just known the username only, you can directly send photos or videos on Instagram without know that particular person. If your account is private then only your follower will be able to see send photo or video in Instagram account.

In Instagram account, you can also save shared photos and hide inappropriate comments Instagram account. Below you can see two different and simple processes to send photo on Instagram android phone.

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2 different methods to send photo on Instagram android phone

Follow below given two different methods to send photo on Instagram Android devices.

1st way: Send Instagram photo and video on android

Step 1: Log in your Instagram account

Tap on feed button in Instagram account

Step 2: Click on “Top right side corner feed” symbol

Click on New Message in Instagram

Step 3: Tap on “+ New Message” symbol

Step 4: Search username want to send photos and videos

You can see list of all yours followers list.

Select Instagram username want to send photo & video

Step 5: Choose from list or search other using username

Send Message from Instagram account

Step 6: Click on below left side corner symbol

Now select photo or video from gallery and select photo or video want to send.

Send Photo and video on Instagram account

Step 7: Click on “UP arrow” symbol to send photo on Instagram android device

You can see the send photo screen on your Instagram account.

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2nd way to send photo or video on Instagram account

Step 1:  Log in Instagram account with your Facebook id

Step 2: Tap on “Profile icon

Step 3: Tap on any photo or video want to send other Instagram user

Click on send button Instagram

Step 4: Click on “Send symbol” which look like above screen

You can view list of username on your screen.

Select Instagram username send photo or video

Step 5: Tap on any Instagram username or search it

If you want to send message to this particular person, write message.

send photo on Instagram android

Step 6: Click on “Send” button

That’s it. It’s quiet easy to send photo and video on Instagram android phone.

Don’t forget to mention which method worked for you from above given. If you have any problems with above given steps to send photo on Instagram android, let me know on below comment section, would be pleasure to help you. Don’t forget to share this article on your social network.

About Bestusefultips

I'm Arpit Patel, a techno lover from India. Bestusefultips is a technology website focused on the latest Android news, tricks & tips related to Android devices, tutorials and videos.

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