How to install new language on Windows 10

Last Updated on March 7, 2021 by Bestusefultips

Want to change display language Windows 10? You need to download and install new language on Windows 10 desktop PC. By default installed Windows 10 English language pack. You can download and install language packs under time & language settings. Add different language such as Afrikaans, Bosanski, Chinese, Dutch, Spanish, English (Canada), English (United Kingdom) and more.

In particular Windows 10 language settings, you can see settings for language pack, handwriting, text-to-speech and regional format. Also change default keyboard language in Windows 10 using this setting. Follow below given step by step process to install new language on Windows 10 PC.

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How to download and install new language on Windows 10 PC or Laptop

You can install language pack Windows 10 using below given time & language settings.

Step 1: Tap Windows start symbol from bottom left corner of the screen

Step 2: Tap Settings gear icon

Step 3: Tap Time & language

Several settings appear here including date & time, language, region, and speech settings.

Step 4: Tap Language

By default English set as display language in Windows 10. You can add a new language to change default Windows language from Arabic to English, French to English, Swedish to English, Spanish, English (UK), English (Australia) and more.

Install language pack Windows 10

Step 5: Tap Add a language

How to install new language on Windows 10

Step 6: Choose a language from list to you want to download language pack

Step 7: Tap Next

Here you can see two checkbox, one for install language pack & set as Windows display language and another is speech option. By default checked both settings. Un-check box if you want to change.

Step 8: Tap Install

Now wait until download language pack in your PC. After complete download, change display language you want to set.

Step 9: Tap Windows display language drop down box and select your preferred languages from list

Also see downloaded language pack in Windows 10 PC. Remove language anytime from Windows display list. By default apps and other settings use primary language in your Windows device.

Change keyboard language in Windows 10

It’s quite easy to change Windows 10 keyboard language. First of all download and install language pack and after that change keyboard language.

Windows settings > Time & language > Languages > Select language > Options > Add a keyboard > Select keyboard

You can easily switch between keyboard on Windows PC using above given settings.

And that’s all. We hope this makes it clear how to download and install new language on Windows 10. Do you still have any question regarding this tutorial? Tell us in below comment box.

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I'm Arpit Patel, a techno lover from India. Bestusefultips is a technology website focused on the latest Android news, tricks & tips related to Android devices, tutorials and videos.

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