Last Updated on March 7, 2021 by Bestusefultips
Android O has various amazing features such as picture-in-picture mode, background limits, notifications channels, API changes, Adaptive icons and more. But in this tutorial, I will show you how to works background limits on apps android O devices. This feature will improve your android O battery life to limit its use of background processes of individually apps.
While more than one app running in background, it will consume more battery and slow down your android device system. Due to this issue, android O devices add limitations on those apps which user are not use and background process running. This android O will limit background app activity in two ways. Let see how to work Background limits on apps android O / Android 8.0.
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How to enable background limits on apps android O / Android 8.0
You can limit background apps and services in android O using this feature. Set how long a background service can run in your android Oreo devices. It will help you to save battery life in your android O devices.
In background service limitations, set limits to the apps for use background services. Sometimes you running background app can replace background service with others. You can use settings screen to enable background process limit in android O devices.
In broadcast limitations app is registers to broadcast so whenever broadcast sent, it will consume batter every time. So if more than one app registers, it can cause issue. So use battery optimizations to extend battery on android O.
Using this android O background limitation on apps, set limit to what an app can do while it’s in the background. So increase battery life in your android O (Android 8.0) devices. That’s all about use background limits on apps android O.
Let see how to set background process limit on Google pixel & pixel XL phone.
To limit background process on Google pixel & pixel XL phone, first of all enable developer mode in your Google pixel devices using below settings.
Step 1: Go to “Settings” on your Google pixel and pixel XL phone
You can view various sections in phone settings menu.
Step 2: Under system section, tap on “About phone”
Step 3: Scroll down until end of the page and tap on “Build number” 7 times
Now you can see message on your Google pixel device: You are now a developer!
Now Go to settings > System > Developer options
Step 4: Scroll down until apps section & tap “Background process limit”
By default set standard limit in your device. You can see below screen on your android devices.
Step 5: Choose from above given options
That’s all. Do let us know you liked this tutorial to use background limits on apps android O. Let us know your feedback about android O this feature. We are waiting for your valuable feedback in below comment section.